Sunday, January 3, 2016

Historical Food Fortnightly Challenge 2016

I couldn't just leave well enough alone in challenging myself.

This year, I dedicate my challenges to a military unit that welcomed me in, despite the times I've had them scratching their heads in confusion.
"Buck up Cupcake!"
"Well... actually "cup cake" IS period."

The 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. B was a member of the Irish Brigade. They were composed predominately of formerly Irish immigrants and by the end of the American Civil War were turning their recent publicity to fraternal endeavors to help fellow Irish in need. Many predominantly Irish communities founded their branches of the fraternal organization, The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, based on the organization started in Philadelphia.
  The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland

As I was perusing a worthy transcription project, What's On the Menu, I came across a menu for the 80th anniversary dinner of the organization, given in March of 1864 at Delmonico of New York city.

This year I am using this menu for many of the challenges of the Historical Food Fortnightly. Step one was translating the French. Looks like some fun food here!

Potage (soup)
Brunoise Aux Quenelles (Brown Soup with Dumplings)

Hors D'oeuvres
Variés (A Variety)
Bouchées De Gibier ( Bites of Game)

Poisson (Fish)
Aloses Grillées, Au Vin Blanc ( Grilled Shad in White Sauce)

Releves (Removes)
Filet De Bœuf, à La Jardinière ( Filet of Beef  à La Jardinière)
Chapons, à La Reine, Aux Champignons (Capons a La Queen, with Mushrooms)

Entrees (Made Dishes)
Cailles, Sauce Périgneux (Quail with Périgneux Sauce)
Irish Stew

Rot (Roast)

Countreflancs (On the table countering the Roast)
Galantine De Dinde Aux Truffes (Jellied Turkey with Truffles)
Salade à La Russe  (Salad in the Russian Style)
Jambon De Westphalie (Westphalia Ham)
Pâté De Gibier (Game Pate)

Entremets (Sides)
Petits Pois (New Peas)
Epinards à La Crème ( Creamed Spinach)
Haricot Verts (Green Beans)
Pommes Parisienne (Apples in the Parisian Style)

Sucres (Sweets)
Creme Au Fraises ( Strawberries and Cream)
Pouding Aux Amandes (Pudding with Almonds)
Gelee Madere (Madeira Jelly)
Macedoine De Fruits (Macedonian Fruits)
Glaces Gateaux (Ice Cream Cakes)
Pièces Montées (Confectionery Showpieces)

Fruits and Dessert

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